Category Archives: 桑拿网


1. **清咽利喉**:清咽片具有清热解毒、利咽止痛的功效,可以有效缓解咽喉肿痛、声音嘶哑等症状。


2. **生津止渴**:此药可以生津止渴,对于因热病或咽喉疾病导致的口干舌燥有缓解作用。

3. **改善咽部症状**:对于咽喉炎、喉炎、扁桃体炎等疾病引起的咽部不适,如咽痛、咽干、灼热等,清咽片有良好的辅助治疗作用。

4. **促进呼吸道分泌物的改善**:对于呼吸道分泌物增多的情况,清咽片可以起到一定的改善作用。

5. **清热去火**:对于上呼吸道感染引起的咽喉炎和扁桃体炎,清咽片有清热去火的功效。



– **遵医嘱**:请务必在专业医生的指导下使用,特别是对于高血压、心脏病、糖尿病、肾病等慢性病患者。

– **忌烟酒辛辣**:用药期间应避免烟酒和辛辣刺激性食物,以免影响药效。

– **用药期间多饮水**:多喝水有助于药物的吸收和代谢。

– **监测症状变化**:如果用药三天后症状没有明显缓解,或者症状加重,应及时就医。

– **不宜长期服用**:清咽片不宜长期服用,应在症状缓解后遵医嘱停药。



1. **健脾养胃**:淮山和小米都有健脾养胃的作用,能够帮助改善消化不良、食欲不振等问题,对于脾胃虚弱、胃痛胃胀等症状有一定的缓解作用。

2. **补气益血**:淮山具有补气益血的功效,可以增强体力,改善贫血症状,提高身体的抵抗力。

3. **促进新陈代谢**:淮山和小米中含有的营养成分能够促进身体的新陈代谢,有助于体内废物的排出,对减肥和控制体重也有一定的帮助。

4. **消肿止疼**:淮山小米粥对于腰腹部肿胀、水肿等症状有良好的改善作用,能够减轻疼痛。


5. **宁神醒脑**:小米具有宁神的作用,有助于改善睡眠质量,缓解精神压力,提高注意力。


6. **清热润燥**:淮山小米粥能够清热润燥,对于口干舌燥、便秘等症状有一定的缓解效果。

7. **补中益气**:淮山和小米均能补中益气,增强体质,对体力恢复和增强体力有积极作用。

8. **宣肺止咳**:淮山具有宣肺止咳的作用,适合有咳嗽症状的人群食用。

9. **降低胆固醇,降血糖**:小米中含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于降低胆固醇和血糖,对心血管健康有益。

10. **预防心血管疾病**:淮山小米粥中的黏蛋白能够预防心血管系统的脂肪沉积,有助于预防心血管疾病。


11. **增强免疫力**:淮山和小米中的营养成分有助于增强免疫力,提高身体抵抗力。

12. **改善皮肤状况**:小米中的维生素B和矿物质有助于改善皮肤状况,保持皮肤健康。



### 益处:

1. **改善性功能**:海狗丸中含有的中药成分有助于改善男性的性功能障碍,如阳痿和早泄。
2. **增强体力**:其补肾壮阳的作用可以帮助增强体力,缓解腰膝酸软、神疲乏力等症状。
3. **调节内分泌**:海狗丸可能有助于调节内分泌,从而改善性欲和性功能。
4. **缓解肾虚症状**:对于肾阳不足引起的腰膝酸软、怕冷、夜尿频多等症状有改善作用。

### 影响:

1. **副作用**:海狗丸可能会导致一些副作用,如上火的症状(如发炎)、某些慢性病加重、发热、炎症难以控制等。
2. **肝肾功能损伤**:由于海狗丸含有多种中药成分,长期或过量服用可能会对肝、肾功能产生一定的代谢性损伤。
3. **过敏反应**:对于某些过敏体质的患者,服用海狗丸可能会出现过敏反应,如皮疹等。
4. **需医生指导**:由于海狗丸可能存在副作用和相互作用,建议在医生指导下使用,避免自行盲目用药。

### 建议:

– 在服用海狗丸期间,患者应遵循医嘱,注意观察身体反应。
– 饮食上应避免辛辣刺激性食物,多吃富含黄酮类的食物。


– 保持良好的作息和适当的体育锻炼。
– 如果未得到明显改善,应及时就医。



1. **滋补强身**:海参被誉为“海洋人参”,含有丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸、矿物质和微量元素等营养成分。这些成分能有效地补充人体所需的营养物质,增强体质,提高免疫力。


2. **滋阴补肾**:海参性温,味甘、咸,具有滋阴补肾的功效。对于肾虚、腰膝酸软、性功能障碍等症状有一定的缓解作用。

3. **养颜美容**:海参中的胶原蛋白、矿物质和维生素等成分,有助于促进皮肤新陈代谢,增强皮肤弹性和光泽,从而达到美容养颜的效果。

4. **润燥滑肠**:海参和瘦肉都有润燥滑肠的作用,对于便秘、肠燥等症状有一定的改善作用。

5. **益气补血**:瘦肉富含蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物等营养成分,具有益气补血的作用。对于气血两虚、身体虚弱等症状有很好的改善作用。

6. **提高免疫力**:海参中的多种营养成分,如蛋白质、氨基酸、矿物质等,有助于提高人体免疫力,增强抗病能力。

7. **调节内分泌**:海参中的特殊成分,如海参素等,有助于调节人体内分泌,改善内分泌失调等问题。

8. **对心血管系统的保护**:海参中的硫酸软骨素等成分,有助于降低血脂、软化血管,对心血管系统有保护作用。



1. **营养价值高**:泥蒿含有丰富的营养成分,每百克嫩茎中含有蛋白质、钙、铁、胡萝卜素、维生素C等多种维生素和微量元素。这些成分对于维持人体健康、增强免疫力具有重要意义。

2. **增强免疫力**:泥蒿含有大量的维生素C,能够增强中性粒细胞的变形能力和趋化性能,从而提高机体的免疫力。

3. **防癌作用**:泥蒿中含有的硒元素对于抗衡癌症有重要作用,可以刺激T淋巴细胞和增强免疫功效,对破坏肿瘤细胞有积极作用。


4. **开胃利膈**:泥蒿中的挥发性精油具有开胃作用,能够增进食欲,特别适合食欲不振的人食用。

5. **清热解毒**:泥蒿具有清热解毒的功效,适合在炎热的夏季食用,可以帮助降火。

6. **利胆退黄**:泥蒿对胆结石患者有辅助治疗作用,有助于利胆退黄。

7. **补充营养**:泥蒿可以补充人体所需的微量元素硒和锌,以及丰富的植物蛋白和多种维生素。

8. **延缓衰老**:泥蒿中含有的硒是一种抗氧化成分,能清除体内的过氧化脂,防止其对细胞产生伤害。

9. **健脑益智**:泥蒿中的锌和磷元素对人体大脑有积极作用,有助于营养脑神经。


10. **解酒保肝**:泥蒿具有较强的解毒能力,能够加快人体内酒精的分解与代谢,减轻酒后不适,预防酒精肝等疾病。

– 泥蒿性质微寒,脾胃虚寒或寒性体质的人应适量食用,过量可能会导致腹部疼痛或腹泻。


– 泥蒿是一种发物,吃多了容易上火,因此应适量食用。



### 益处:

1. **营养价值高**:油葵籽富含不饱和脂肪酸,特别是亚油酸,含量高达58%-69%,对维持人体健康有重要作用。

2. **清道夫作用**:亚油酸在人体内可以起到清除体内垃圾的作用,有助于维持血液循环。

3. **维生素E**:葵花籽油含有丰富的维生素E,有助于抗氧化,保护细胞不受自由基的损害。

4. **健康油脂**:葵花籽油不含胆固醇,也不含芥酸,是一种较为健康的食用油。

5. **保健作用**:油葵油具有清热润肺、美容养颜、开胃健脾等保健作用。

6. **降低血脂和胆固醇**:适量食用油葵油有助于降低血脂和胆固醇,对心血管健康有益。

7. **促进母乳分泌**:油葵油被认为可以增加母乳分泌。


8. **抗逆性**:油葵具有较强的抗逆性,适合在盐碱地等不适宜种植其他作物的土地上种植。

### 影响:

1. **气候影响**:油葵在开花期如果遇到连续下雨或大风等恶劣天气,会影响其正常传粉,从而影响产量和质量。

2. **儿童生长发育**:对于儿童来说,适量食用油葵油不会影响其生长发育,反而可以提供必要的营养。


3. **发霉问题**:如果油葵或油葵油发霉,会产生霉菌毒素,不仅影响其食用价值,还可能对健康造成危害。

4. **土壤改良**:油葵有助于改善盐碱地土壤,但需要在适宜的技术指导下进行。



1. **活血化瘀**:水蛭被认为是活血化瘀的良药,能够治疗因瘀血引起的各种病症,如闭经、跌打损伤、心腹疼痛等。


2. **破血逐瘀**:水蛭具有破血逐瘀的功效,适用于治疗体内有瘀血积聚的病症,如肿块、瘀血内阻等。


3. **治疗中风**:水蛭对中风、高血压、心绞痛、闭经、跌打损伤、高血压、心力衰竭、心肌梗塞等心脑血管疾病有显著疗效。

4. **抗血栓作用**:水蛭素、肝素、抗血栓素等成分可以阻碍血液凝固,抗血栓,防止血液浓稠,从而对心脑血管疾病有预防和治疗作用。

5. **保护组织缺血缺氧**:水蛭能够扩张毛细血管、改善微循环、增加肾脏血流量,对组织缺血缺氧有保护作用。

6. **抗癌作用**:近年来,水蛭在抗癌方面的作用也逐渐被发现。水蛭素能抑制肿瘤细胞,抗肿瘤血管生成,促进癌细胞凋亡,对卵巢癌、肝癌、胃癌、宫颈癌等肿瘤疗效显著。

7. **改善血脂**:水蛭对于高血脂有良好的治疗效果,能够降低体内胆固醇含量,降血脂。

8. **其他作用**:水蛭还能防止早产,对高血脂等疾病有辅助治疗作用。




All of a sudden, the power suddenly increased at this moment, and the black awn gun flashed away.
At this moment, the seal of Tianbao Honghuang failed to resist this peak, just like a blow from the world of Honghuang, which broke through and defeated the treasure body and was blown away.
"I have made so much progress!"
The development of the situation is somewhat unexpected to Yuan Heng.
Displaying Eternal Chaos, although Yuan Heng’s foundation is still not strong, this natural Taoist ancestor can be better than Hong’s. With the backing of exhausted chaos and the thirteen-style distance detachment technique, only three pieces of terrible magical powers are 100% in line with their own first treasures. At this moment, Yuan Heng’s strength is stronger than Hong’s. A top first treasure can be stronger than Hong’s.
But Hong resisted!
Not only did it resist, but it was still improving.
It’s common to make progress in battle, but it’s still possible to make so much progress in the series of almighty Yuan Heng and Hong. It’s so exaggerated that Yuan Heng was shocked. For the first time, he deeply saw the huge bottomless potential of the source creatures.
"What a terrible glorious Lord!"
Yuan Heng was shocked by each other’s progress, but he was equally shocked in Hong’s heart.
Those terrible magical powers are just the same. They are absolutely brilliant and confident. Sometimes in the future, they can create equally powerful magical powers, but opponents can feel that this statue is terrible.
Breaking out is the second realm of the great destiny, and the whole set of magical powers is only a triple realm.
At this time, he quickly transformed the pre-accumulation from killing, and the power of breaking out soared from the initial threshold to Dacheng, and the power improved by tens of millions of times?
But this sudden surge of power is just to retreat the other avatar to break the treasure, but it can’t hurt each other at all!
Unconsciously, the opponent has progressed to such a terrible level when he is not aware of it.
"Whoo …"
Severe breathing obviously Yuan Heng and Hong consumed a lot in the fierce fighting.
At that time, the indecision between the two sides was silent, and it was silent from the crazy killing.
With Shi Yuanheng and Hong, both of them can keenly perceive the changes after the fight.
Hong is trying to understand the secret of the great achievement realm and seek to increase his combat power again in a short time.
Yuan Heng also felt different from himself. He found himself in control of the vast little chaos!
After Yuan Heng’s strength soared to the top Taoist level, even if Yuan Heng was unfathomable, the mysterious way could not be measured, and the will of the avenue and the incomparable psychic force felt that the filar silk force could not be controlled by the heart, which was extremely rough.
This feeling is like an ignorant young child waving a knife with a unique power. It is a miracle that Yuan Heng can barely resist the self-attack and the chaotic assimilation. It is a Uber pole!
But at this point …
Yuan Heng-fen felt his control over this eternal chaos!
In the eternal chaos, in the fight against chaos assimilation, in the pressure of killing a living creature with top-level Daozuwei energy, Yuanheng’s bottomless foundation and potential are suddenly released crazily!
If it weren’t for the situation at this time, Yuan Heng wouldn’t have a strong enemy in the side horse to escape into the closed state, eliminate all kinds of unwanted states, forcibly run in and control eternal chaos, and I’m afraid …
Step by step, I will prove that I am the first ancestor in the wild!
So for a while, Yuan Heng and Hong both recovered from their injuries and returned to their peak!
Two people glances relative wry smile.
The source of life is richly endowed with endless power, which supplements his consumption in a mysterious way. If fate had not suppressed the Ganges, I am afraid he would not have even been hurt.
Yuan Heng, on the other hand, has a small chaotic support, and unless he is erased in an instant, there will be endless power if he is supported by his heart.
In the face of such an impressive opponent, both sides suddenly became ignorant.
Do all the fighting and finally do the work!
However, all these distractions were quickly crushed by two people from their minds. Both of them have strong will and unshakable self-confidence, and it is impossible to give up easily.
"Daoyou, I still have the strongest avatar. This will be my peak. I will spare no effort after a blow. Let’s fight it out!"
Took a deep breath. Yuan Heng’s face is now determined that the blow is his strongest killer. This is a real taboo move …
"Although Hong has been born after a terrible long time, it has just been born. After all, it is his greatest regret."
"And this trick … I really don’t want to use this trick. Once it’s done, there is room for change."
"But this move will definitely stop him from dying!"
Yuan Heng is very confident. I’m afraid I can’t carry it even if it’s ordinary and immortal.
"Good glory Lord, we will decide the outcome with one blow!"
Hong is equally confident than secretly thinking, "If this glorious Lord is so difficult, I’m afraid I’m no match, but …"
"This recruit decided talent but occupied a great advantage. Sometimes, I will be able to use that recruit to make my great destiny temporarily surge, and the fighting power of a great realm will increase by hundreds of millions of times. Not only will I slay it then, but I will finally be able to spare no effort to escape from the universe …"
Both sides have their own abacus and are equally confident. Compared with the moment, there is some silence, and both sides are saving their last strength.
"The eye of fate burns!"
Hong decisively brought together almost half of the essence eyes, temporarily arousing the core strength.
"Great Destiny, the Third Destiny Gun"
The vastness of the world is mysterious, and this shot is strong enough to kill the fate of an ordinary world!
One shot, the fate of the world collapses, and the world will also be ruined!
This is the immortal way of fate, and HarmonyOS is in vain. Therefore, it is terrible to kill fate with one shot. Even if it is shot in the peak world of the wild, I am afraid it will hurt my bones!
In the face of this terrible shot, even Yuan Heng can’t help but change color.
"Brothers, help your brother."
"Big brother this recruit …"
"Big brother …"
"Big brother, you should be careful …"
Sending out the four treasures of the ancestors, the four treasures, the spirit, the virtual manifestation, the powder carving and the jade carving, and the four children’s faces have changed at this time. This trick is not movable at present.
Yuan Heng growled and refused to veto.
Immediately, the four treasures, including Genesis, were directly merged into Yuan Heng.
"eternal chaos"
Originally, when I didn’t know which side, the small chaos actually poured directly into Yuan Heng!
"HarmonyOS, HarmonyOS and chaos bead are now!"
Do the truth of the road and do the truth as if it were a real chaos. Everything was born, evolved and ended. A big and small HarmonyOS and chaos bead were illusory!
HarmonyOS method!
This is that high method which belong to Yuanheng HarmonyOS alone!

"Don’t be impatient!" Dong Kuang frowned and said, "Let Min ‘er make decisions."

Shi Min immediately waved his hand, and one hundred Han pawns rushed to hold one pike after another to surround these Jie people.
Shi Min went over and said, "Which one of you is the leader?"
A tall man in the Jie people sneered, "We are not thieves. Let’s talk about it?"
"Since you are not a leader, then you want to rob the road? Take my money from these twelve Han soldiers? Do you know that killing and maiming people is a capital crime? " Shimin sink a way
"Hehe, capital crime?" Jie people shrugged off the tunnel "I think it is them who want to cure a capital crime!" It is also to blame that you are not strict with their Lord! You must also cure a crime of lax defense! "
Nearby Jie people are noisily booing there.
"Is! They’re just lowly men, not to mention robbing them, even killing them? "
"Gnome male-"kill them but just compensate a sheep price! Who let you foot soldiers be so blind? Now that they hit our hands, forget it and dare to resist! I really don’t know how to live or die! "
"They killed three of our companions! Hey! How bold and bold! We are the king of Jie people. We once said that every Jie person’s life is precious, but this one has died three times! "
"You have to give us a fair! Otherwise! We will kill the remaining eleven Han soldiers and let them blood out! "
Looking at the disgusting appearance of these Jie people, Shi Min’s face seems to be frosted and even more indifferent.
He always feels that this is a conspiracy and a trap, as if there is a big net trapped, and he will be trapped when he moves, and that big net will be surrounded and then will be trapped!
Difficult to control? Don’t have to!
"What a blood out!" Shi Min sneered for a while and then slowly pulled out his waist sword and pointed at the thirty Jie people and said slowly, "Today I will let you blood out!"
"Kill them for me!"
The soldiers around 30 Jie people suddenly burst into singing promises when they heard the news, and then rushed over with long guns. Generally, these daring Jie people were killed on the spot.
"How dare you! ……”
"We are monks!"
These Jie people froze for a moment, watching the soldiers of the Han army rush like a tiger. They reacted immediately after killing several people, and then rebelled with iron swords. But if they can hold up these 100 well-trained soldiers, most of them will attack in the rest of their lives.
"Ah ah! ……”
Blood was red and blood was scattered all over the floor.
This pond is full of broken limbs and broken limbs. Even Wang Ping was so angry that he cut down several Jie people with his sword in his hand.
These Jie people never thought that they would die in the hands of the most despised Han people on weekdays!
Just as Wang Ping’s face was dripping with blood, he wanted a sword to chop off the last Jie face. The scared Jie man suddenly shouted and then they practiced tunnel "Shi Min! You can’t kill me! "
"Stop it"
Shi Min waved Wang Ping back.
"Do you know me?"
"You can’t kill me! I’m … I’m Liu Ronger, commander of the scout camp! Wei Yin Cao Bao is my uncle! You can’t kill me! Otherwise, they will never let you go! Ishigaki! "
Looking at a face of panic, this Jie Shi Min shook his head.
The capital of the post-Zhao Dynasty moved to Yecheng after Xiangguo was now Xingtai, Hebei Province, and changed to the satrap Wei Yin Cao Bao. It is now that Wei Yin of Jieguo is equivalent to the post of mayor of Beijing in the future.
Kill or not?
Just when Shi Min hesitated, there was a chaotic horseshoe not far away.
Shi Min turned to see Liu Rong, the commander of the scout camp. At this moment, he came with hundreds of military flying horses. In an instant, he came to this pond and surrounded the soldiers brought by Shi Min.
Liu Rong got off the horse and frowned when he saw the corpses of Jie people all over the ground and the blood of pike in the hands of those Han pawn, and when he saw his son Liu Bao being "intimidated" by Shi Min.
"good! Shi Min, you are really ambitious! " Liu Rong stare Shi Min sneer at more than tunnel "it seems that you really don’t know how to write the dead word big Zhao Tianwang nose you dare to kill Jie people without permission? You have killed more than 30 Chinese people in cold blood. I must sue you for a royal decree before the king drives, and ask the king to give you a capital punishment! "
See Liu Rong so "when" Shi Min suddenly an epiphany.
Affection is Liu Rong this fellow in setting him up!
But Shi Min is not afraid at all.
Shi Min said quietly with the clouds, "General Liu, Commander Liu, please keep your mouth shut. Don’t die easily. And I, Shi Min, killed a thief instead of a Chinese!"
"You can see clearly that these thieves are all holding the blade. This is the murder weapon!"
Be Shi Min Liu Rong was so frustrated tunnel "hu said! Anyway, Shi Min, it’s an irrefutable fact that you ordered the Ministry to kill more than 30 Jie people! Facts speak louder than words! "
"I killed a thief" Shi Min still insisted.
"Sniff!" Liu Rong scornfully sneered and said to his son Liu Bao, "Come here later, Bao Er, and tell the truth face to face before the king drives. We must let the general Zuo Ji shoot a hundred arguments!"
"Yes" Liu Bao nodded his head, and just wanted to run over, only to find that Shi Min was swinging a sword.
A flash of sword light
Liu Bao stared at the man in front of him in disbelief.
Throat in the "rustling" spray with blood.
"Bao Er!"
Finally, Liu Bao was unwilling to fall into a pool of blood and breathed his last.
Don’t say this flint time is Liu Rong. Even Dong Kuang, Wei Zheng and others who are close at hand have no reaction. They can’t come if they want to stop it!
Shi Min or a face of cool tunnel "liu and I said I killed a thief"
You!’ Liu Rong choked back the indignation in his heart and his face quickly darkened to malicious way "good! Very good! Shi Min, you have seed! We’ll see! "
Then Liu Rong brought his son Liu Bao’s body to the scouts’ camp and left.
Dong Kuang couldn’t help sighing faintly when he saw the bodies of Jie people all over the ground. "Alas, Min, how can you be so impulsive? If you kill Liu Bao, you will completely offend Cao Bao and Liu Rong, the Jie Zhao nobles! It’s a pleasure to kill so many people in one breath, but it’s bound to piss off the king! Once the king has sinned, this … "

The other party has been accustomed to opening his mouth after receiving his words, which is "little ancestor!" Why do you have something to do every day? I can’t apply for anything this time! "

Li Xiangkun felt a little guilty. After all, Colonel Zhao helped him so much, and he always bothered him himself.
But from another angle, if this black spot is unusual or contains any major events, it is a great achievement for Colonel Zhao.
"Colonel Zhao, don’t bother you to buy things this time. I’m mainly going to buy for you this time, and there’s still a little thing to deal with."
Colonel Zhao’s tone softened a lot when he heard that he wanted to send money. What he was most afraid of was hearing that he needed something. After so many years, he was almost finished because of Li Xiang.
"All right, I’ll let people here give you helicopter clearance. Let’s have an interview."
Then Colonel Zhao hung up and informed the man to release a helicopter for a while.
Li Xiangkun put away his mobile phone, and his sight was attracted by swarms of fleeing mutant creatures on the ground. He had never seen such a spectacular scene in the past.
However, these mutant creatures will not fight back even if they are attacked, depending on the players around them who blindly run forward.
Although he was very strange, he urged the driver to speed up by focusing on what was in front of him. He couldn’t wait any longer.
Chapter one hundred and sixteen seniority
The helicopter ground personnel guided Ann to land, and Li Xiangkun immediately jumped towards the headquarters and rushed in.
Colonel Zhao is pacing in his office. He has just received a report from the heads of various regions that the mutant is undergoing large-scale migration. Many garrison camps have been destroyed. Fortunately, there have been no large-scale casualties.
"It’s strange. Are there any terrorist characters in the mutant?"
He has never seen such a strange phenomenon that his face is clouded, so he can make a guess.
However, when he just thought of this possibility, he denied himself for a moment.
"Can’t! At present, the tenth variant has not yet appeared. How can there be any role that is too fate? "
Just as he kept on assuming and denying, Li Xiangkun broke into his office.
"Colonel Zhao, this is the purchase price." As soon as he entered the room, he took out two suitcases directly from his bag, which contained more than three million United currencies.
Colonel Zhao quickly put away the box while letting him sit and rest with a smile.
Who knows that this moment will not suddenly steal the money back? Be very careful with him. It will be easy if you are not careful.
"You said you had something to deal with. What’s so urgent?"
Li Xiangkun picked up a bottle of unopened buffalo drink on the table and wiped the corners of his mouth with water stains. "Colonel Zhao, I want to borrow your military astronomical telescope."
"Hey, you are still interested in astronomy? Do you still want to see the stars in broad daylight? "
Colonel Zhao joked that he wouldn’t believe that Li Xiangkun would be a scholar even if he died.
Li Xiangkun shook his head and told him very briefly about the discovery of dark spots. He also told him about the abnormal behavior of ground variants
"I suspect that there must be something hidden in the migration of celestial anomalies and mutated organisms."
Colonel Zhao also felt suspicious and immediately called his deputy in.
This deputy is the new replacement for the post of sacrificial deputy head of the regiment.
"Xiao Liu immediately informed the old pedants in the technical department to turn on the telescope and the satellite monitoring system to mobilize me!"
Liu, deputy head of the team, was ordered to turn around and left. The two men also quickly ran out of the headquarters and rushed to the technical department.
When they looked up, their faces became ugly.
When Colonel Zhao looked at it, he found that there was a black spot in the sky, which could be clearly seen by the naked eye.
And Li Xiangkui looks pale because he found that the black spot was several times larger and clearer than before.
At this moment, Zhao Tuanchang’s words rang, and it was Liu’s words. Just after two people talked, they saw Zhao Tuanchang’s face was unusually gloomy and he shouted angrily and hung up.
"damn it! Veterans risked their lives to protect them, and what kind of lame excuse did they give me for equipment maintenance? I think they are just too comfortable! "
His eyes are red. It seems that something should have happened before.
"What’s the situation of Colonel Zhao?"
Colonel Zhao smashed the wall of the building with a fist.
Li Xiangkun expected that Colonel Zhao’s hands would be bloody and his bones would be hurt.
However, the fact is that the building was smashed into a deep pit, but his hand was intact.
"That group of scientists must have been so protected that they forgot where they lived. A few months ago, a group of old men wanted to find a living mutant subject, so I arranged a 100-member team to protect them."
"But as soon as this group of crazy people entered the forest, they ran around and the guards dispersed."
Colonel Zhao’s eyes were wet, and the veins stood out on his forehead were exposed and he couldn’t help shivering.
"My soldiers are in their twenties! It was in the prime of life that they sacrificed their precious lives to save them because of a crazy desire to communicate with mutants. "
"Seven people from the original 100-member team came back alive and all his brothers were buried in the forest."
After listening to Colonel Zhao’s narrative, Li Xiangkun didn’t know what it was like. He thought of a similar situation when he was stationed in the former camp.
There is no problem for these researchers to study variants, but it is unreasonable for them to make this pursuit fanatical over life.
He didn’t say much and quietly followed Zhao Tuanchang towards the technical department.
At the gate of the technical department, a group of deputy armed soldiers are confronting a group of old people in white coats.
"You are a little doll don’t want to rebel? Who told you to lead troops to block our technical department? "
A whole body upright looking at bash elbows vertical eyes staring at the deputy head of liu shouted at.
Liu, deputy head of the regiment, disdainfully left the pie mouth. He raised his hand and got shot and said, "First of all, this is the situation that our site does not rebel. There is nothing we can do to block your technical department’s orders!"
"It’s getting more and more ridiculous to call you Colonel Zhao to come over to you soldiers!"
The old man’s face turned red. I didn’t expect the original obedient soldiers to become threatening. I quickly moved out of Zhao Tuanchang’s name to shock them.
"I heard that someone wanted to call me over. What happened?" Colonel Zhao came out from behind the crowd and asked with a serious face.
The old man became arrogant at the sight of Zhao Tuanchang.
"Zhao Tuanchang your hand soldiers have been so arrogant! How dare you point a gun at us a group of unarmed old men? "
Colonel Zhao frowned. He turned to look at the side of Liu, deputy head of the team, and asked, "What’s the matter? Why did you bring troops to block the technical department? These are pioneers who have contributed to the cause of mankind. They must be well protected! "
Deputy Director Liu just wanted to explain something unjustly, but when he saw Director Zhao’s eyebrows beating constantly, he grasped his momentum and said forcefully, "We report that Director Zhao has taken the initiative to strengthen the alert for the technical department because of the abnormal activity of the mutant recently."
"You fart! I just wanted to rebel. How did it suddenly become so just? " The old man immediately swore at Zhao Tuanchang and said sincerely, "Zhao Tuanchang, you must believe me! This little rabbit cub was just arrogant to the sky and just didn’t hit me this old man. "
"Xiao Liu, what is the situation? Is it true that Fu Lao just said?"
Deputy head Liu pretended to be afraid and faltered. "He slandered me. We didn’t move at all. We were reprimanded by them as soon as we got to the door of the technical department."
"You little bunny, I don’t think you’re telling the truth!" Fu Lao took off his shoes and threw them at Liu, deputy head of the team.