Category Archives: 品茶网


### 药用功效:

1. **果实**:
– **消积止痢**:火棘果实能够帮助消化,对治疗肠炎、消化不良等消化系统疾病有显著效果。
– **活血止血**:对于治疗小儿疳积、产后腹痛等有很好的效果。
– **保健作用**:可以缓解腹泻,有助于活血,对提高体质也有积极作用。


2. **根部**:
– **清热凉血**:主要用于治疗腰腿疼痛、跌打损伤等骨科疾病。


– **治疗肝炎、吐血和月经不调**:对于这些疾病有明显的缓解作用。

3. **叶子**:
– **清热解毒**:常用于外敷治疗疮疡肿毒等皮肤疾病。

### 药用价值:

– **火棘根皮、茎皮、果实**:含有丰富的单宁,可用于提取鞣料,具有清热解毒、生津止渴、收敛止泻的作用。
– **美容价值**:红果中含有生物增白物质,能有效抑制人体内色素酶的活力,使皮肤不产生色素。
– **保健作用**:含有丰富的营养成分,如水分、蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、维生素A、B、C、D及矿物质钙、磷、铁和膳食纤维,对糖尿病、高血脂症、动脉硬化、便秘、解肝毒等疾病有显著疗效。

### 使用方式:

– **火棘果**:可直接食用,也可以加工成各种饮料。
– **火棘叶**:可晾干后煮茶饮用,具有生津解渴的功效。
– **火棘根、茎皮**:多用于外敷或内服。



1. **抗菌消炎**:滕茶中含有多种矿物质和成分,能够抑制细菌生长,对于口腔和消化道的感染,如口腔炎等,具有一定的治疗作用。

2. **保护心脑**:滕茶富含的茶多酚能够清除体内的自由基,有助于调节血脂、降低血压、软化血管,从而对心血管系统起到保护作用。


3. **抑制血小板凝集**:滕茶中的某些成分可以抑制血小板的凝集,有助于预防血栓的形成。

4. **清热解毒**:滕茶所含的黄酮类物质具有清热解毒的功效,对于肝火旺盛、咽喉肿痛等症状有缓解作用。


5. **镇痛消肿**:滕茶对于一些疼痛和肿胀症状具有一定的缓解作用。


– **适量饮用**:滕茶虽然有益,但过量饮用可能会导致腹泻、腹痛等不适。

– **注意禁忌**:对于某些特殊体质的人群,可能不适合饮用滕茶,如脾胃虚寒者。


– **搭配饮用**:在饮用滕茶时,可以适当搭配一些其他饮品,如清水,以帮助缓解肠胃消化和蠕动。

– **适当锻炼**:滕茶虽好,但单靠它并不能完全达到健康的目的,适当的锻炼同样重要。



1. **丰富营养**:海鸭蛋的蛋黄颜色更鲜亮,富含卵磷脂,其含量是普通鸡蛋的六倍以上。卵磷脂对大脑神经系统的发育和功能维护有重要作用,尤其适合孕产妇、儿童及年长者食用。

2. **促进儿童成长**:海鸭蛋中的钙质、微量元素和蛋白质含量高,是儿童成长所需的营养首选,有助于骨骼和大脑的发育。

3. **增强记忆力**:对于年长者来说,海鸭蛋中的蛋黄卵磷脂有助于减缓记忆力衰退,预防老年痴呆症。

4. **滋润皮肤**:海鸭蛋中的卵磷脂能分解体内过多毒素,促进肌肤健康,有助于消除青春痘和雀斑。

5. **保护肝脏**:海鸭蛋具有分解油脂的作用,可以增进血液循环,清除过氧化物,改善血清脂质,有助于降低血液中胆固醇和中性脂肪的含量,保护肝脏,预防脂肪肝。

6. **清理血管**:海鸭蛋有助于降低血液中的胆固醇和中性脂肪,减少脂肪在血管内壁的滞留,从而清理血管。

7. **增强免疫力**:海鸭蛋中的蛋白质和氨基酸能增强人体免疫力,有助于缓解身体虚弱、疲劳、贫血等症状。


8. **调节血压和血脂**:海鸭蛋中的不饱和脂肪酸和磷脂有助于降低血液中的胆固醇和三酰甘油含量,预防心血管疾病。


9. **滋润肺部**:海鸭蛋中的维生素A、B和C等营养成分有助于增强肺部免疫力,预防呼吸道感染和支气管炎等疾病。

10. **美容养颜**:海鸭蛋中的胶原蛋白和维生素E等营养成分能促进皮肤新陈代谢,增强皮肤弹性和光泽,预防皮肤干燥、皱纹等问题。



1. **利尿消肿**:海带中含有大量的甘露醇,这种成分具有显著的利尿作用,可以帮助身体排除多余的水分,对防治肾功能衰竭、老年性水肿以及药物中毒等有积极作用。


2. **预防高血压和动脉硬化**:海带中的有效成分,如碘、钾、盐酸等,能够协同作用,有助于降低血压、血脂,预防动脉硬化。

3. **预防甲状腺疾病**:海带富含碘元素,碘是甲状腺合成甲状腺激素的重要物质。适量饮用海带排骨汤可以预防甲状腺功能亢进(大脖子病)。

4. **辅助降脂和降血糖**:海带中的不饱和脂肪酸和食物纤维有助于清除血管壁上的胆固醇,促进胆固醇的排泄,对降低血脂和血糖有辅助作用。

5. **预防恶性肿瘤**:海带对恶性肿瘤有一定的抑制作用,长期饮用海带排骨汤可能有助于预防癌症。

6. **预防骨质疏松**:排骨中含有丰富的钙质,搭配海带排骨汤,可以有效预防因缺钙导致的骨质疏松。

7. **提高免疫力**:海带排骨汤富含多种营养素,如维生素C、蛋白质等,能够增强人体免疫力,减少生病的可能性。

8. **滋阴壮阳**:传统中医认为,海带排骨汤有滋阴壮阳的效果,对改善身体虚弱、增强体力有一定帮助。

9. **去火、排毒**:海带排骨汤还有一定的去火和排毒功效,有助于调节身体机能,保持身体健康。



1. **抗皱效果**:津率享眼霜在抗皱方面表现良好,含有泛酸和玻尿酸等成分,能够促进眼部周围皮肤胶原蛋白和其他细胞的再生,有效减少细纹和笑纹。


2. **保湿与修复**:津率享系列产品具有较强的保湿效果,对于因干燥导致的皮肤问题有良好的修复作用。对于经常熬夜或休息不好导致的黑眼圈和眼袋,也有明显的改善效果。

3. **抗氧化**:津率享含有多种植物成分,如人参根提取物、当归提取物等,具有强大的抗氧化效果,能够改善肌肤暗沉和发黄,调理肤色,让肌肤更有光泽和水润。


4. **适合肤质**:津率享适合多种肤质,尤其是干性肌肤,能够有效滋润肌肤,恢复肌肤弹性和活力。

5. **性价比高**:相较于一些国际知名品牌,津率享的价格更为亲民,使得经济基础不是特别稳定的人群也能够使用。

6. **适合年龄层**:津率享一般适合30岁以上的女性使用,对于因年龄增长而出现的肌肤问题有较好的改善效果。




1. **抗菌消炎与组织再生**:洋槐蜜具有促进组织再生的作用,对于伤口愈合有一定的帮助。同时,其抗菌消炎的特性能够辅助治疗一些轻微的皮肤感染。


2. **护肤美容**:洋槐蜜含有丰富的营养成分,可以滋养皮肤,使其细嫩、光滑、富有弹性。使用洋槐蜜作为面膜或直接用蜜水洗脸,能有效吸收营养,起到祛斑美容、滑嫩皮肤和增加弹性的效果。


3. **促进消化**:洋槐蜜能够促进消化,使胃酸分泌正常,对于改善消化不良有一定的帮助。

4. **改善睡眠**:洋槐蜜中含有的成分能够改善人的情绪,达到宁心安神的效果,有助于改善睡眠习惯。

5. **抗菌防腐与止咳**:洋槐蜜中含有刺槐甙和挥发油,这些成分具有抗菌防腐和止咳的作用,适合用于缓解咳嗽症状。

6. **舒张血管与改善血液循环**:洋槐蜜能够舒张血管,改善血液循环,对于预防动脉硬化和降低血压有一定的帮助。

7. **减肥佳品**:洋槐蜜中果糖含量较高,果糖转变成脂肪的能力小于葡萄糖,因此被认为是一种理想的减肥食品。

8. **润肺利尿**:洋槐蜜中槐花具有润肺祛湿利尿的作用,适合上火、咽燥口干、肠燥便秘等人群食用。

9. **清热止咳解毒**:洋槐蜜中含有的刺槐甙和挥发油等营养成分,具有清热、抑菌、解毒的效果,对于缓解热毒症状有一定的帮助。

10. **保护心血管**:洋槐蜜能够扩张血管,改善血液循环,防止血管硬化,对预防心脑血管疾病有一定的作用。

11. **润肠通便**:洋槐蜜能够润滑肠道,缓解和治疗肠燥便秘。

12. **清肝火与止血**:洋槐蜜能够清肝火,凉血止血,对于治疗肝火上炎引起的目赤、头痛眩晕等症状以及便血、痔疮出血、血痢等有一定的疗效。

13. **凝心安神**:洋槐蜜具有凝心安神的功效,能够降低中枢神经的兴奋性,起到无害催眠剂的作用。

14. **排毒养颜**:洋槐蜜能够清除肠道内毒素,起到排毒养颜、祛斑的功效。



1. **营养丰富**:每100克沙榄含有204.8千焦的热量,以及0.8克蛋白质、10.2克脂肪、4克膳食纤维等。此外,还含有维生素B1、B2、尼克酸、维生素A、钙、磷、铁、钾、钠、镁、锰、锌、铜、硒等多种微量元素,以及挥发油、香树脂醇、维生素C、鞣酸等成分。

2. **促进骨骼发育**:沙榄果肉含钙较多,对儿童骨骼发育有积极影响。


3. **清热解毒**:沙榄具有清热解毒的作用,能帮助人体消除体内热毒。


4. **化痰消积**:沙榄能化痰、消积,有助于缓解咳嗽、痰多等症状。

5. **解酒解毒**:沙榄能解煤气中毒、酒精中毒和鱼蟹之毒。

6. **润喉止咳**:隆冬腊月食用沙榄可润喉,对肺热咳嗽、咯血有一定的疗效。

7. **舒筋活络**:沙榄与肉类炖汤作为保健饮料,有舒筋活络的功效。

8. **辅助治疗**:沙榄雪梨煲瘦肉等食疗方,对肺热引起的咳嗽、咳痰、咳血等不良症状有辅助治疗作用。

9. **养生保健**:沙榄富含多种营养成分,对身体健康有益,可辅助预防疾病,改善生活品质。



1. **参与能量代谢**:B族维生素是身体能量代谢的关键,特别是维生素B1(硫胺素)、维生素B2(核黄素)、维生素B3(烟酸)、维生素B5(泛酸)和维生素B6(吡哆醇)等,它们在糖类、脂肪和蛋白质的代谢过程中起着至关重要的作用。

2. **神经系统健康**:维生素B1对神经组织和精神状态有良好的影响,缺乏时可能引起神经炎、脚气病等。维生素B6对维持神经系统正常功能也很重要,有助于缓解焦虑、抑郁和神经紧张。

3. **皮肤健康**:B族维生素中的维生素B2、维生素B3、烟酸和泛酸等对皮肤健康有益,能够预防皮肤粗糙、油腻,促进皮肤细胞健康,同时有助于美白和活化皮肤细胞。

4. **促进红血球生成**:维生素B12和叶酸对于血红蛋白的合成至关重要,能够预防贫血。


5. **免疫系统功能**:B族维生素中的多种成分对免疫系统功能有促进作用,增强身体的抵抗力。

6. **抗疲劳**:B族维生素可以帮助身体抵抗疲劳,维持良好的精力状态。


7. **抗氧化作用**:B族维生素中的某些成分具有抗氧化作用,有助于保护身体免受自由基的伤害。

8. **促进生长发育**:维生素B6对氨基酸代谢有关,能够促进发育,对于孕妇和儿童尤为重要。

9. **预防疾病**:B族维生素的缺乏可能引起多种疾病,如口角炎、皮炎、舌炎、脂溢性皮炎、结膜炎和角膜炎等。补充B族维生素有助于预防这些疾病。

10. **肝脏保护**:某些B族维生素,如维生素B2和烟酸,对肝脏健康有益,可以保护肝脏。


Shi Min immediately looked up and saw a face of clever smile. Dong Qiaoqiao was staring at him unblinkingly

"How min elder brother is interested in concubinage?"
"It’s your call."
Dong Qiaoqiao smell speech couldn’t help but got to say, "Hey, let my body make decisions. Let you accept an ugly old woman concubine. Would you like to? Min, if you are injured, don’t do and think about those bad things. If you hadn’t arrived just now, you might have to lie in bed for a few more days. "
"am I that obsessed with sex?" Shi Min shan shan smiled and said
"You were so obsessed with my body before." Dong Qiaoqiao took a white Shi Min and said, "It’s not my body that says your body is the most important thing …"
I’m going to be lectured again
Shi Min said he was very naive, but he couldn’t! Dong Qiaoqiao is similar in age, but his mind doesn’t seem to be generally mature. He often preaches to Shi Min.
Just like his mother … Well, Shi Min lost his mother in his early years. Maybe Dong Qiaoqiao recognized his lack of maternal love, and his maternal love flooded. That’s why he became his wife and mother for short.
If Cui Ying looks like an actress Shu Chang, which is somewhat similar and more beautiful, then Dong Qiaoqiao looks like Tamia Liu, but she looks green and immature, but her heart is black.
Women are all emotional and delicate. Generally speaking, Shi Min will consult with Dong Qiaoqiao when he is hesitant about anything. This has become his inertia over the years.
Just then there was a noise outside the house.
"Let Min ‘er come out to see me!"
"Two master calm down! My general is dealing with the army in the barracks. Please come back in a few days. "
"Don’t deceive me! I already know that your general was flogged by the king. Can he go to the barracks when he is not at home recovering? "
"Second Master"
Hearing this familiar shouting Shi Min Dong Qiaoqiao looked at each other a little bad.
Sure enough, in a moment, a middle-aged man dressed in Confucianism stepped into the room, followed by a beautiful girl who was two years old and a boy who looked dignified and strong.
Butler Ma Liuyi followed in with a wry smile.
None of these three people are outsiders.
The middle-aged man is Shi Min’s uncle, dad, Shi Zhan’s younger brother, Ran Liang, the girl is Shi Min’s cousin Ran Yuan, and the teenager is Shi Min’s cousin Ran Ke.
Seeing these three people coming in, Shi Min couldn’t help saying with a wry smile, "Uncle, why are you here?"
"Hum!" RanLiang snorted. "If I hadn’t learned that you were flogged by the king, I really wouldn’t have come to your house. What’s going on? How did you annoy the king? "
Shi Minwen looked at several people nearby and said, "You all go."
With Shi Min and Ran Liang in the room, there are other people, etc.
Shi Min sighed faintly and said, "Uncle, to tell the truth, this is a trap, a trap for my nephew!"
Wen Yan ran liangshen said, "do you know who is behind this?"
"I don’t know," Shi Min shook his head. "It’s Liu Rong and Liu Rong, the commander of the scout camp, Wei Yin and Cao Bao, or Lang Jiu, but I, Cao Bao, hated him in the past and he shouldn’t set this trap against me."
Ran Liang thought secretly and said, "There shouldn’t be many people who are bad for you in this city, but who will be bad for you?"
Shi Min suddenly said, "Uncle, do you think it would be that the king directed and acted a bitter meat play? He wants to use this to knock me. "
"No," Ran Liang shook his head. "It’s not necessary to go to so much trouble to set you up if the king wants to beat you. Have you provoked any big shots these days?"
"No, my nephew is either at home or running to Zhanghe camp these days. What’s the matter to provoke others? It was that day that I rescued a girl, but the injuries were all ordinary people. Even if I offended someone, it should be Liu Rong, because I have humiliated him several times! This petty guy may still hold a grudge in his heart. "
"Liu Rong …" RanLiang muttered again and again, "Liu Ronger and Liu Bao are now dead in your hands, and your beam is a big knot. Anyway, you should be careful during this period. Don’t be angry for a while and ignore the overall situation like this one!"
"Is my nephew remember" Shi Min low head way
Looked at RanLiang faint sighed, "alas, I know I can’t say you min son, your temper is the same as your father is a stubborn donkey! But it is necessary for uncle to wake you up. "
"You shine brilliantly in the Changli War. You became famous in the First World War and gained the appreciation of the king. This will inevitably lead to many people’s jealousy! Min’ er should know that Muxiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng! "
RanLiang say that finish is shook his head and left.
Then RanYuan RanKe two brothers and sisters poked around came in and saw Shi Min lying on the bed. I couldn’t help saying some intimate words.
Ran Ke said, "Brother, how did you get beaten like this?"
Shi Min haven’t talk on one side RanYuan service road with a wry smile "what else? Got the king one hundred whip bai "
"Why does the king hit people!" Ran Ke was dissatisfied with the tunnel, "Brother, you are so powerful and brave, why don’t you fight back!"
Ran Yuan couldn’t help laughing when he heard this. "My silly brother, the King, is the King. Who dares to resist if he wants to hit people and kill people?"
"Too overbearing!" Ranke a face of not gas tunnel
"Bullying is the king. He’s bullying people."

It’s surprising enough to be transferred to the outside of the city of 49, or to the northeast, not to mention these, but to be a deputy political commissar of a logistics base.

This is to let him go to the past to support the elderly.
If it’s a big base, the level may not change, but …
Thinking that Wan Changsheng is less than fifty years old, he shook his head with some regret.
"I have sinned. If I had known today, I would have done it again."
"He walked fast this time." Ding Qiunan still had some trouble in her heart. She didn’t finish her means yet. As a result, the party ran away, which made her feel uncomfortable with punching cotton.
"come on, honey, don’t think so much."
"Well, by the way, during this period in Li Chu, several people have asked me whether you have made that medicine or not. How can I reply to others?"
"You should go to the pharmacy and get it yourself. That big porcelain jar is filled with medicine in the cupboard. That small paper bag is filled with medicine. Everyone can get at most ten pills. Tell them clearly that if anyone sells this medicine or gives it to outsiders, don’t blame me for being ugly."
"This is impossible. They all take it back to their men."
"Well, that’s what we’re going to tell you. After all, I’ll do something if I hand over all the prescriptions to my own people. It’s also called that if there is too much outflow outside, it’s not good for me to have a job with Lianhe Bank and the business department.
Make it clear to them that there are not many drugs in our house, but let them not worry about the market. I estimate that it will not be long before they are sold, and it will not be too expensive. At that time, I made a statement first. "
"How much is that pill?" Ding Qiunan some curious asked
"Doing more is more than a dime."
"So cheap? Then I can’t ask for money if they want it. "
"They also said to give money?"
"Well, when they were chatting in my office in the afternoon, Sister Meng of Finance Department said that they would give money, and they all agreed."
"Come on," Li Chu shook his head and said, "Don’t ask them for money. It doesn’t mean anything. Since it’s a favor, I won’t point to this thing for dinner."
"I made it clear to them that day." Ding Qiunan nodded and asked, "Do you know if you want to change clothes again in half a year?"
"Almost. Maybe after the National Day."
"Really? What? How long has it taken to get this suit? It seems that there is still room for it. "
"This time, it’s not as simple as changing clothes. It should be re-awarded."
Ding Qiunan has some wait for a while’s blinking eyes. When she entered the army, she wore red at three o’clock. After the National Day the year before last, she changed this body. She has no rank. Now she is fierce and she still has some reaction.
"Just like the previous one?"
"It should be roughly the same, but there will definitely be changes."
"Then what title can you get this time?" She is not interested in what title she can get, but her own man is different.
"The first two days, Tianwangbu told me that the estimate is …"
Li Chu told his wife according to her former rank.
As a result, Ding Qiunan got up again after listening to it, sat on the bed and looked at her husband dumbfounded.
"Why is this expression?"
"No, you wait." Ding Qiunan waved his hand to tell him not to talk first, and then just sat there frowning and thought for a while before he was sure. "So according to you, your rank is one level lower than when Wang Shu was awarded the title?"
"This can’t be compared with" Li Chu hurriedly shook his head.
"In those days, those people wanted to add Canada. Now, how can we compare with Bigen in those years?"
"I told you, you scared me." Ding Qiunan patted his chest and lay down again
"dear parent, what title could you have been awarded at that time if you hadn’t sacrificed?"
Li Chu was asked by his wife. He really never thought about it.
After thinking it over for a while, I said, "My father should be about the same as Uncle Wang, but I don’t know about my mother. It may be one or two grades lower."
Ding Qiunan hit it, hit it, and didn’t do it.
"Why do you think of asking this?"
"It’s okay, I’m just asking." She looked up at her husband and smiled.
"Let’s go to my parents’ place for a rest."