Category Archives: kb会所


1. **消化促进与养胃**:滇红茶叶可以帮助胃肠消化,促进食欲。常饮用滇红茶叶,尤其是加糖或加牛奶的滇红,能够消炎、保护胃黏膜,对治疗溃疡也有一定效果。

2. **利尿消肿**:滇红茶叶具有利尿作用,可以消除水肿,对于需要减轻身体水分多余的人尤为有益。

3. **心脏健康**:滇红茶叶有助于强壮心脏功能,对于心血管系统的健康有益。

4. **抗菌与预防疾病**:滇红茶叶的抗菌力强,用滇红漱口可以预防滤过性病毒引起的感冒,预防蛀牙与食物中毒。

5. **调节血糖与血压**:滇红茶叶有助于降低血糖值和高血压,对于心血管疾病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **提神益思**:滇红茶叶中的咖啡碱可以刺激大脑中枢神经,使人精神振奋,提高注意力。


7. **消暑解渴**:在夏天,饮用滇红茶叶能够止渴消暑,因为茶中的多酚类、糖类、氨基酸、果胶等与口涎产生化学反应,刺激唾液分泌,产生清凉感。


8. **延缓衰老**:滇红茶叶中的多种生物碱和酚类化合物具有抗氧化作用,有助于延缓衰老。


9. **运动饮料**:滇红茶叶作为运动饮料,可以补充水分、提供能量,帮助身体在运动中更好地燃烧脂肪。

10. **降血脂**:滇红茶叶有助于降低血脂,对心血管健康有积极作用。



1. **补肾壮阳**:海马味甘性温,归肝、肾经,具有补肾壮阳的功效。它能够促进雄性激素的分泌,对提高肾功能、预防肾炎和肾功能衰竭有积极作用。男性适量服用海马可以改善肾阳不足,降低阳痿、早泄的发生率。

2. **抗衰老**:海马含有丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸等营养物质,适量服用有助于延缓衰老过程,保持年轻状态。

3. **保护神经**:海马的提取物对钙离子的通道有阻断作用,能够阻止钙离子内流,从而保护神经元,对神经系统的健康有益。

4. **提高免疫力**:海马具有抗疲劳作用,可以提高人体运动能力,延缓疲劳症状,增强身体免疫力。

5. **防癌抗癌**:海马的水提取物可以促进淋巴细胞的转化,抑制癌细胞的生长和繁殖,具有防癌抗癌的作用。


6. **改善记忆力**:海马中的氨基酸成分有助于提高记忆力。

7. **其他滋补功效**:
– **滋阴壮阳**:海马汤中含有性激素,能提高人体内性激素的数量,缓解不孕和性功能减退,对阳痿早泄有防治作用。
– **调气、活血祛瘀**:海马能够调气、活血祛瘀,有助于改善血液循环。
– **舒筋活络**:海马有助于舒筋活络,对腰膝酸软、跌打损伤等有缓解作用。
– **止咳平喘**:海马对哮喘性疾病有一定的治疗作用。




1. **减肥与控制体重**:海茸含有低脂肪且富含纤维,食用后能增加饱腹感,有助于减少食物摄入量,从而达到减肥和控制体重的效果。

2. **降血压与降血脂**:海茸含有丰富的矿物质如钙、镁和钾,这些元素对于调节血压有重要作用。同时,海茸中的不饱和脂肪酸有助于降低血液中的胆固醇水平。


3. **保护心脑血管**:海茸中含有的多种营养成分,如海带氨酸、维生素B6等,具有降低胆固醇、抗凝血、防止血栓形成的作用,从而有助于预防心脑血管疾病。

4. **增强免疫力**:海茸富含多种维生素和矿物质,尤其是其中的抗氧化物质,如维生素C、E和硒,能够帮助身体抵抗自由基,提高免疫力。


5. **抗病毒与抗菌**:海茸中的某些成分,如丙烯酸、萜烯酸等,具有抗菌、抗病毒的作用,有助于预防感染。

6. **预防癌症**:海茸中的特殊蛋白质——亲糖蛋白,以及一些具有抗癌作用的物质,如叶绿素和小球藻糖蛋白,能抑制肿瘤细胞的生长,降低癌症风险。

7. **护肤美容**:海茸富含多种维生素和矿物质,对皮肤健康十分有益。其中的褐藻胶、卡拉胶等成分有助于保湿和延缓衰老。

8. **健脑益智**:研究表明,儿童每周食用两次海茸,可以提高智商。这是因为海茸中含有亚油酸、卵磷脂、牛磺酸和谷氨酸等对大脑发育有益的成分。


9. **补血**:海茸含有丰富的铁质,有助于加速血红细胞再生,对贫血症状有改善作用。

10. **抗衰老**:海茸中的抗氧化物质有助于清除体内的自由基,减缓细胞老化过程。



1. **补肾益精**:海参红宝富含海参特有的活性物质,如海参皂甙、精氨酸等,这些成分对于补肾益精、增强体力有显著作用。

2. **提高免疫力**:海参红宝中的多糖成分可以增强机体免疫功能,提高抗病能力,帮助身体抵御病毒和细菌的侵袭。

3. **延缓衰老**:海参红宝中含有的胶原蛋白和硫酸软骨素等成分,有助于延缓细胞衰老,保持皮肤弹性和光泽。

4. **保护心血管**:海参红宝中的岩藻多糖具有降血脂、抗凝血的作用,有助于预防心血管疾病,如高血压、高血脂和冠心病。

5. **促进生长发育**:海参红宝中的氨基酸和微量元素有助于儿童和青少年的生长发育,以及中老年人的骨骼健康。

6. **抗肿瘤作用**:海参皂甙等成分具有抑制肿瘤细胞生长和转移的作用,对肿瘤患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

7. **改善睡眠**:海参红宝中的精氨酸和胶原蛋白有助于改善睡眠质量,缓解神经衰弱。

8. **促进伤口愈合**:海参红宝中的营养成分可以促进机体细胞再生,加速伤口愈合。

9. **美容养颜**:海参红宝中的胶原蛋白有助于保持皮肤水分,减少皱纹,改善皮肤色泽。



10. **辅助治疗疾病**:对于一些慢性疾病患者,如肝炎、冠心病等,海参红宝可以作为辅助治疗的保健品。



1. **滋补身体**:西洋参具有补气养阴、清火生津的作用,适合气阴两虚的人群。而枸杞则具有滋补肝肾、益精明目的功效,对于肝肾阴虚、精血不足的人尤为适宜。


2. **提高免疫力**:枸杞富含多种营养成分,如枸杞多糖、多种氨基酸、微量元素等,能够增强人体免疫力,提高白细胞和红细胞的数量。

3. **保护肝脏**:枸杞和西洋参都有助于保护肝脏,预防脂肪肝和酒精肝,有助于降低转氨酶,改善肝脏功能。

4. **抗氧化、延缓衰老**:枸杞中的抗氧化成分有助于清除体内的自由基,从而起到延缓衰老的作用。同时,对于皮肤健康也有益处,可以减轻皮肤上的淡斑、皱纹等衰老迹象。

5. **改善视力**:枸杞中含有的营养成分能够改善视力,对于眼睛疲劳、视力模糊等症状有一定的缓解作用。

6. **调节血糖、血压、血脂**:枸杞和西洋参共同作用,有助于调节血糖、血压和血脂,对于预防心脑血管疾病有积极作用。

7. **缓解疲劳、增强体力**:西洋参能够缓解疲劳,增强体力,对于经常感到疲乏的人群有很好的调理作用。

8. **促进睡眠**:对于有失眠问题的人来说,枸杞水也许能改善睡眠质量。




1. **祛风湿**:沙蒿子被广泛用于治疗风湿性关节炎等风湿性疾病,有助于缓解关节疼痛和肿胀。

2. **提脓拔毒**:沙蒿子有提脓拔毒的作用,常用于治疗痛疮、痈肿等皮肤病症。


3. **消炎止血**:沙蒿子具有一定的消炎和止血作用,对于一些炎症和出血性疾病有辅助治疗的效果。


4. **化痰止咳**:沙蒿子可用于治疗咳嗽痰多等症状,具有止咳化痰的功效。

5. **止痒止痛**:对于一些瘙痒和疼痛症状,沙蒿子也有一定的缓解作用。

6. **防腐消炎**:沙蒿子具有一定的防腐消炎作用,可以作为外用药物使用。

7. **促进药物渗透**:沙蒿子作为药物载体,有助于保持药效,并促进药物渗透。

8. **利胆退黄**:某些研究表明,沙蒿子可能有助于降低血清转氨酶活性,增强肝脏的解毒功能,并具有利胆退黄的作用。


9. **保护肝脏**:沙蒿子中含有的成分可以促进肝脏胆固醇的排泄,提高肝脏的解毒能力,从而保护肝细胞不受损害。

10. **通便**:沙蒿子中丰富的纤维素有助于促进肠道蠕动,有助于治疗便秘。




1. **滋补身体**:水鱼肉质鲜嫩,富含蛋白质、维生素和矿物质,能提高人体的抗病能力,调节内分泌,预防疾病,促进病后身体恢复,消除疲劳。

2. **滋阴补肾**:中医认为水鱼性质平和,归肝经,具有滋阴补肾、凉血补脾的功效,适用于身体虚弱、肝肾阴虚等情况。


3. **美容养颜**:水鱼背部硬壳中含有丰富的胶原蛋白和氨基酸,有助于滋养肌肤,美容养颜,减少皱纹。

4. **改善视觉疲劳**:水鱼含有丰富的营养元素,有助于改善视觉疲劳,滋养神经,调节体内离子紊乱引起的各种不适。

5. **增强皮肤营养**:水鱼富含维生素E和氨基酸,能增强皮肤营养,滋润皮肤,对失忆和老年痴呆有预防和治疗作用。

6. **调节内分泌**:水鱼中含有的动物胶、角蛋白、铜、维生素D等营养物质,能增强人体抗病能力,调节内分泌功能。


7. **提高免疫力**:水鱼是良好的补品,可以提高母乳质量,增强婴儿的免疫力和智力。

8. **调节水电解质平衡**:水鱼中含有钾、磷、蛋白质等营养元素,有助于维持体内水电解质的平衡,预防低钾血症。

9. **降脂、降压**:水鱼含有亚油酸,能减轻胆固醇沉积,防止动脉硬化,对高血压、高血脂、冠心病等疾病有辅助治疗作用。

10. **辅助治疗疾病**:水鱼可用于肝脾肿大、肺结核等病的辅助治疗,降低胆固醇,对高血压、冠心病、心脏病等疾病有一定辅助治疗作用。


"Pure …"

Taurus just said a word and felt a little inappropriate. He probably told the star god that besides Gong Qian’s level 4, the heart moon fox Yue Lingxuan had reached level 1, and his blood volume was not low. If he returned the second Dan medicine, it would be really a little behind him.
"What are the boss’s three Dan medicines?"
When the shopkeeper saw that this was a big guest, he was busy and courteously introduced, "Jing Yuan Dan San Dan Medicine recovered 2 points in 3 seconds and sold for 15 silver coins. Ju Shen Dan San Dan Medicine recovered 1 point in 3 seconds and sold for 15 silver coins …"
"All right, all right, I’ll take one thousand of each of these two!"
The shopkeeper wanted to introduce all the three Dan medicines in one breath, but was directly interrupted by Taurus.
It is enough to replenish blood and magic, which is enough for those Taurus who can’t get rid of the negative state.
"A total of 3 gold coins!"
Click confirm 300 in Taurus trading column …
Fortunately, I just got 10 thousand!
Dan medicine is well prepared, and it’s time to add a few yuan to the generals.
Out of the big pharmacy Taurus went straight to Baitong Commercial Alliance and now the bank exchange system has been released. It doesn’t matter if they are surprised by Baitong Commercial Alliance. Change it!
It’s natural that Taurus, a Baitong business alliance, appears in a new suit, but he is used to it. I won’t lose a piece of meat if you look at Niu Ge casually.
Five pieces of Taurus, five pieces of Heart Moon Fox and ten pieces of Hornwood Jiao.
There are still thirty pieces of Taurus. I thought about it. I actually changed ten pieces of Alnilam.
He plans to put together the seed department of 20 stars first. After all, these are rare fragments, and Baitong Commercial Alliance can’t guarantee that it will be out of stock.
Quickly synthesize two star species and insert them into the corresponding star slots in turn. Looking at the 5959s time scale, Taurus’s face emerges with a heartfelt joy. Come on, come on, it’s a step closer to the plan!
It’s almost an hour since I’ve been busy with these things.
Taurus will minimize the scale of the map while walking outside the city, so that you can see the general situation of the whole Unicorn star area
Lushan … Lushan …
Where is it? ?
Just then, three voice broadcasts in succession stunned all online players.
Taurus is a little surprised. After listening, he slowly spits out a few words, "No … it will …!"
The broadcast is like this!
Article 1: "Dear friends, the gathering alliance has settled on the site of Bilang Mountain on the outskirts of the city. Welcome like-minded warriors to join the alliance!"
Article 2: "The general leader of the aggregation alliance, the vertical and horizontal king, and the two deputy leaders, 99-99, return to the imperial court to greet the players and friends!"
Article 3: "The top ten heads of the Aggregation Alliance are the moon, the heart, the moon, the obsequiousness, and the hurricane of the 99 sun dynasty … Friends who are interested in joining the Aggregation Alliance, please send a private letter to the top ten heads!"
These three voice broadcasts resounded through the ears of every bit line player like thunder.
At this moment, everyone is confused. Aren’t they four warring alliances?
How can it be merged into one! !
Chapter one hundred and seven Appropriate plan? Score sooner or later!
After listening to these three voice broadcasts, Jinniu pulled out a cigarette and took a deep breath. At the same time, he picked up the headset and heard that the discussion in the hall was boiling like a pot.
"Did I do something wrong?"
Taurus said to himself in a low voice
At the same time, a young man wearing a black-rimmed frame in a classical manor in the city is also picking headphones, and his eyes, which remain calm at last, have made a stir.
See he gently pushed a bridge of the nose glasses eyebrows slightly wrinkled and said, "how is that possible? They will never be together! "
After thinking for two seconds, the young man picked up the phone and dialed a number and said, "Did you hear the news?"
"I heard the boss", and the other side is unhurried.
"Go and find out if the news is true or not."
The young man took off his glasses and squeezed his eyebrows and said, "It doesn’t make sense …"
He is the famous presiding judge of Sixteen Wings.
At nine o’clock in the afternoon, the sun is shining and everything is thriving. At this time, Wang Shaozheng is lying naked in bed, hugging two delicate beauties left and right, and snoring one after another as if playing a symphony praising sweet adultery.
"Ding ding ding …"
The untimely ringing of the bell broke the peace here.
A girl reluctantly turned over and fumbled about the bedside table 3.
"Wang Ge is the second child …"
"Well … the second child is sleeping soundly …"
Wang Shao said with a vague paste and touched himself at the same time
"There is a second child calling you!"
The girl was angry and laughing. Wang Shaoshen didn’t take a slap.
Wang Shaoteng sat up and woke up with another girl.

Cui Ying couldn’t help but look shy and timid when he heard this. "Madam doesn’t know what the general does?"

Cui Ying is very curious about the origin of Shi Min, but Shi Min is not willing to disclose it. Dong Qiaoqiao is also aware of Shi Min’s concerns and is unwilling to show his heart and tell his identity in front of a woman who has just met.
Dong Qiaoqiao then said, "The general is a general shot by the imperial court. Today, King Zhao of Zhao has a grandson, but please Ying Ermei. You don’t have to worry that the general’s father is a Chinese mother and a Chinese woman. He is a well-rooted Miao and Hong Han. He won’t do you any harm."
Dong Qiaoqiao can tell Cui Ying that it depends on her fate in the future.
If Cui Ying really becomes Shi Min’s concubine, then I know that he has to do everything. Dong Qiaoqiao Shi Min, the husband and wife, are not stupid enough to show their heart directly in front of people they just met.
Chapter 9 on disarmament
Shi Min rode Juechen and soon arrived at the Han army camp on the north bank of Zhanghe River in Yecheng.
The troops of the state of Jie and Zhao are not unified, just as in the Three Kingdoms period, it was generally necessary for the emperor’s imperial edict to mobilize the troops, thus forming a scene of cliques in the army.
The armies don’t belong to warlords, but they have armies in their hands, but they have no local government, so they are self-sufficient in law, and they can’t afford money and food without collecting taxes. How can they fight? Let alone arise and rebel.
Of course, there are still warlords on the one hand who are separated by the state of Jie and Zhao.
For example, people like Pu Hong and Yao Zhongge belong to the local warlords. They don’t listen to the announcement. You want to call the army to fight, but it may be very difficult to call them into the capital!
Warlords from all over the world have supported themselves. It is not impossible for Wang Shihu of Zhao Tian to eradicate them, but the cost is too high, so Shi Hu is hesitant.
This era is different from the Qin and Han dynasties and the pre-Qin era.
In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, except for the troops stationed in the frontier and some military towns, all the troops of various countries were stationed near the capital, and those garrison generals could change their tiger symbols every few years and ordered them to mobilize their troops without fear that they would rise up and rebel.
General is usually in charge of the national soldiers.
At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, after the Yellow Scarf Rebellion, the prestige of the Han Dynasty plummeted, and its handle was repeatedly weakened. One side of the warlord separatist regime gradually evolved into a warlord melee situation.
There are emperors in the country, big warlords, big warlords and small warlords who are intertwined and do not belong to each other.
For example, the xiaoyaojin War.
In 215 AD, Zhang Liao, a famous Cao Wei soldier, counterattacked Sun Shaosheng, defeated Sun himself and led a hundred thousand troops in xiaoyaojin (Hefei). This battle directly defeated Sun himself, and the rear army almost captured Sun alive!
Sun what mercenaries hundred thousand but lost to Zhang Liao?
He’s because the middle part of Sun Jun is not unified with each other and belongs to Sun Fa’s unified order!
Just like the once-Zhao Yanguo Changli War, the historical Changli War, Mu Ke pursued and retreated all the way by relying on two thousand fine riders, beheading thirty thousand troops of Jiezhao!
What victory can you expect from an army with lax military discipline and disunity?
But Wu Hezhong!
Everyone has their own wishful thinking in their hearts, and they all want to protect their strength, which leads to the situation that people are divided and want to protect their strength.
Shi Min is now under the command of General Zuo Zongshe, who commands 50,000 Han troops. His strength is almost the same as those of the Hu tribe leaders, and it is almost the same as that of a big warlord, but it is very different.
One thing is that he can be self-sufficient in other ways!
Tens of thousands of Han army Shi Min has no territory of his own, no life, and generals at all levels rely on the imperial court to pay all his salaries. His army is still stationed on the north bank of Zhanghe River, and it is simply death to attempt to develop under the nose of Shi Hu!
"Wan Sheng!"
Shi Min was asked for the password by the foot soldiers at the gate of the camp.
Everyone knows Shi Min, but this is a military rule and a symbol of the strict discipline of the Han army
Perhaps this kind of thing happened in the armies of Jie people, Miao people and Huns, which is incredible but it really happened in the army of Han people!
Shi Min is the general of the Han army, Zuo Jishe. Although he is a general in the army, he even named this password from time to time, but Shi Min still has to abide by this rule.
If the effective beam is not straight, it will be crooked.
The gatekeepers are still standing with halberds, but when they meet Shi Min, they bow their heads and greet him, and Shi Min also responds with a nod.
Wang Ping, Dong Kuang and Wei Zheng, who had just moved troops back to the DPRK, received a report from the Ministry and then ran over to discuss the matter.
Sit for four
"Have all the gifts from the King been distributed?" Shi Min inquired.
Dong Kuang replied, "It’s all in place. According to the contribution of each soldier, ordinary soldiers can get five copper coins. In addition, the king also rewarded the three armed forces with a lot of wine and cloth."
"Too little" Shi Min shook his head.
Shi Min knows what the concept of five-penetration copper coins is. Five-penetration copper coins are equal to five thousand pence. Now, the purchasing power of four-penetration copper coins in Mi Yue is only 15 dou meters!
A liter of rice now weighs 125 Jin, and a bucket of 1 liter of rice weighs 125 Jin, which is equal to 625 kg.
In ancient China, the measurement method was extremely accurate and the decimal system was that a bucket of ten liters weighed about 15 kilograms per liter; One liter and ten shares each weigh 15 grams; Ten scoops each weigh 15 grams; A spoonful of ten copies weighs 1.5 grams per copy; A copy of ten each weighs 15 grams; Ten centimetres weighs only 15 grams (about one grain of rice)
In this way, a liter of rice now weighs 125 kg, and a bucket of 1 liter of rice weighs 125 kg, which is equal to 625 kg.
In ancient times, a special kind of grain merchant had the characteristics of large transaction volume, wide circulation and frequent income and expenditure, such as paying rent, paying taxes, buying and selling, bartering, and paying remuneration. The rice bucket was developed with grain production. As early as the pre-Qin period, Historical Records Tian Jingzhong finished his aristocratic family and wrote that "its tax collection was for the people, and it was entrusted to the people to fight for the people."
In the Spring and Autumn Period, Dr. Tian Li of Qi secretly showed kindness to the people when they collected taxes, but when they gave them food, they had a big fight.
However, during this period, there was no uniform measurement standard for rice buckets in different places, and the size and product of rice buckets were quite different in different regions.
It was not until the Qin Dynasty unified the weights and measures and the Han Dynasty further institutionalized the standards of ten liters and ten buckets of stones that they were fixed.
As far as Shi Min is concerned, a person can eat about 146 Jin of rice a year (equivalent to 116 dou of rice but 12 dou).
And these five copper coins are enough to buy 125 dou of rice, which is enough for one person to eat in a year, but you can’t eat rice all year round, can you?
And which foot soldier has no wife and children at home? Others fought their lives on the battlefield to get such a little reward …
The first Wang Ping’s bad temper immediately shouted discontentedly, "Yes! Too few! It’s so unfair! Why can Yao Zhongge and Pu Hong, ordinary soldiers in their army, send seven coppers and we can’t share five coppers? It is said that this is still a layer of exploitation and deduction. I don’t know how much I have been greedy! "
"The king is so unfair! We have no credit and hard work. When fighting, our Han army is at the forefront! "
"Wang Ping, don’t say a few words!" Dong Kuang stare eyes way
Wang Ping snorted, "I’m fooling around in our Han army! Everyone risked their lives for the imperial court, but in the end they got such a little reward! Sending flowers is not it? "
Beside WeiZheng also chimed in "is the second brother, it’s almost the New Year, and the soldiers are looking forward to a good year! Such a small reward is not enough to buy new year’s goods! "
Smell speech Shi Min couldn’t help but sigh, "Yes, we will let the men have a good year! So the king gave me ten thousand gold and distributed it to the soldiers. This will also make all the soldiers have a good year. "
"This …"
Wang ping zha zha shout tunnel "min son this can make? Your reward is your reward. How can you distribute it to the soldiers? "

Shi Min said, "To be honest, if I hadn’t insisted on staying to stop you from commanding Yan’s fine riding in World War I today, Zhao might have suffered a heavy loss this time."

"So the general has reinforcements?"
"Yes" at this time, there is no need to hide Mu Ke, and it seems that Mu Ke has already made countermeasures.
Mu Ke sighed and said, "It’s a great honor to meet the general today. It’s rare for you to have a hero in the sky at such a young age!"
"Aren’t you one of them?" Shi Min smiled and said
MuKe smell speech leng immediately pregnant with big laughs "ha ha ha ha! It’s extremely extreme! No wonder I feel a sense of appreciate each other when I see the general today. It turns out that you and I are kindred spirits! General, you and I will meet each other in the future, so please take care! "
"Mu general is also please take care! When we meet each other, please see the real chapter! "
"No, no, no!" MuKe rushed motioning with his hand, "let’s see chapter in the way! General, you are brave and brave, but you are ashamed! "
Looking at Mu Ke riding to the north with more than a thousand fine horses left, Shi Min knows perfectly well that he is withdrawing troops, but his heart is still full of regrets.
Can you get a Chikio in life?
In fact, from the aspect of personality, Shi Min and Mu Ke are the same kind of people. They are as brave as others, as shrewd as they are, and as resourceful as they are. They are destined to become the most shining stars and lean men of this era.
However, the tragic thing is that there are too many lean men in one era, especially those who are evenly matched.
Is Cao Mengde good enough? Wen Tao’s martial arts is the best in the world, and even those emperors such as Liu Bang, Li Yuan and Zhu Yuanzhang can’t compare with him, but Cao Cao can’t unify the country.
Because he was a hero in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, Yuan Shao, Liu Bei, Sun et al. were all the brightest stars in that era, just like Cao Mengde!
Shi Min really wants to make a friend with Mu Ke if it’s not his own words.
Chapter 4 Dragon and phoenix among people
After the battle of Changli, Zhao surrounded the thorn city for a long time, but the Huns (former Zhao remnants) invaded the territory again, and the food supply route was cut off by the Yan cavalry. Zhao Jun was able to command more than 100,000 Zhao troops to retreat one after another in Zhao Shihu.
The prince Mu Mu was overjoyed to see the enemy’s general trend had gone, and ordered Mu Ke to command the fine rider with two thousand and one hundred routes to pursue north and south, and hurried back to the Zhao army.
Because Zhao Jun’s style is too complicated, there are all Jie people, Han people, Huns and Miao people, so it is difficult to form a unified order by adding Wang Shihu of Zhao Tian to the first step.
Mu Ke took two thousand fine riders around for more than ten miles and killed nearly ten thousand Zhao soldiers. Unexpectedly, he touched Shi Min, a small butterfly that was inexplicably involved in the long river of history. Shi Min commanded five thousand soldiers to stop the pursuit of the south and stopped marching.
Shi Min led the main army of South Zhao to meet near the Governor Kang Pavilion in Zhuo County, where the retreating Zhao army was resting.
Shi Min, Wang Ping and Dong Kuang will enter Zhongjun’s tent together. When they meet Shi Hu there, they all kneel down and say, "Visit the king! Long live the king! Long live the king! "
"Stand up!"
Dressed in gorgeous armor, Shi Hu immediately got up and held Shi Min’s arm and laughed. "Ha ha ha ha! Not the kui is my spine slave! The three armies are not in Huo Qubing and Lu Bu ‘er in the past! "
"Spine city war mu sent its rate of fine riding two thousand attacks to kill the armies all fled, only a thorn slave resisted in the end and forced back to kill the Yan army fighters! In my opinion, the generals in the account are only dragons and phoenixes among people if pigs and dogs have my spines and slaves! "
Smell speech in the account, the generals bowed their heads with shame, while others did not change their faces. They were either too thick-skinned or used to Shi Hu’s abuse of the generals.
Shi Hu smiled and said, "Spine slave (Shi Min’s nickname), you made such a meritorious service today. I don’t know what you want?"
"I dare not ask for any reward!" Shi Min rushed down to say
"hey, if you have merit, you will be rewarded. If you have, you will be punished. This is a rule since ancient times!" Shi Hu with the wave, "so I give you ten thousand gold! Your father Shi Zhan used to be a left-handed general, and now you inherit his position and all the potential. "
"Wang Ping, Wei Zheng and Dong Kuang!"
Shi Min’s three uncles immediately knelt down and said, "I’m here!"
"The three of you used to be my son’s Shi Zhan department, each with a Maneba, but after Shi Zhan’s death, you don’t seem to have made any contributions! Tell you what, Shi Min is Shi Zhan. It is said that you are still Shi Zhan’s sworn brothers? You will belong to Shimin from now on. Do you know from Shimin as you did from Shizhan? "
"promise!" Three people crashing singing promise.
Shi Min asked again, "Your Majesty doesn’t know how many soldiers and horses I can recruit?"
"Ha ha" Shi Hu inexplicably smiled and said, "Spine slave, are you so eager to expand your army?"
Shi Minwen immediately knelt down in fear. "I want to expand my army! Your Majesty, now our country, Zhao Guo, is surrounded by powerful enemies on all sides in four battlefields. If the army is strong and the soldiers are weak, I may be able to make more contributions to the great king! "
"Good," Shi Hu said in a moment. "When your father Shi Zhan belonged to an army of fifty thousand people, you should expand it by fifty thousand!"
"King Xie!"
"Ha ha!" Shi Hu was immediately in high spirits. "This time, the squad returned to the DPRK, and it was very comforting to ask the rotor army to make a fire and cook a meal. I want to reward the spiny slaves of the three armed forces to celebrate!"
"Your Majesty wants to go back to Yecheng first."
Being brushed by Shi Min, Shi Hu was a little unhappy and immediately stared at his eyes. "What are you doing back so early?"
"My wife, Dong Shi, is about to give birth, and the children may be born now! This is my first child, so I want to go back early and ask your majesty for permission! " Shi Min he lowered his hand to say
"This is also a human nature thing. Let’s go back to Yucheng first!"
"King Xie!"
Shi Min didn’t report Pu Hong’s threat to Shi Hu after Changli War like historical Ran Min. It was a thankless thing to do?
Shi Min is no longer the original Wu Mourning Heavenly King Shi. Although he has a chance to live, he can still get so much potential. However, Shi Min believes that he deserves it!
foot of a hill
"Min, this time you really shouldn’t have the king to let you be a left-handed general to command me. How can you ask the king to expand the army when your uncle and uncle are already extremely difficult?"
Dong Kuang, Wang Ping and Wei Zheng all went out to see Shi Min off outside the camp. Dong Kuang remembered Shi Min’s words and deeds in Zhongjun’s tent and immediately shook his head and told him earnestly.
Shi Minwen immediately said lightly, "Your memory is sometimes not very good. Uncle, this time I got 50,000 troops and horses. Please recruit as soon as possible in Jizhou, Qingzhou and Bingzhou. The sooner the better, the better. I always feel that there will be another war in Zhao soon. Then we can build more achievements with this 50,000 Swiss soldiers!"
"Min son, you can now say that you are already a human minister, and the king has made more contributions? Just like your father, your father’s generation has been here, and the Jie Zhao court has arrived to get a marquis of Xihua! The king keeps saying that he loves and values your father, but did he really trust your father, us Han army and us Han family? "
Wei Zheng, next to him, was worried and said, "For us, King Han, we have never really believed that the status of Han people is really like pigs and dogs. Even the Miao people and Huns have a much higher status than us in this Jiezhao!"
Dong Kuang also sighed, "Fifth Brother, you’d better stop complaining so much. These words must not be heard by outsiders, or let the king know that we are so dissatisfied in private, and we will definitely be convicted. No one can protect you then!"
"Second brother!" WeiZheng hum a "king is really too much! We have made great contributions to him over the years! However, people like Pu Hong and Shi Zun robbed us of every first achievement. We can’t even drink a mouthful of soup. Just a little money as a reward? "
"If you are not willing, you have to bear it for me!" Dong Kuang sink a way "people in the eaves which can not bow? Fortunately, now that our son Min has grown up and become a general of the army, if the king loves him as much as he loved his eldest brother, we will have no further chance! "
Next to Wang Ping, he sighed faintly, "Alas, second brother, we don’t really want to make contributions here, but to strive for more words! Look at what we have done over the years. We worked hard for the king, but he also asked us to conquer the Han people! "
"When attacking those docks, I watched the Jie people and the Miao people slaughter Han son recklessly. I really … really! ……”
Wei Zheng said, "Who doesn’t feel like a knife? But what can we do! When the eldest brother was still alive, he could negotiate with the king on terms of conquering Xianbei, Di and Xiongnu, but he couldn’t conquer the Han people alone. But when the eldest brother died, what else could we do but work for the king? "
At this moment, Shi Min was silent for a long time and suddenly said, "Three uncles, please rest assured that I will build more feats in the future and ask the king not to let us Han army conquer the Han people, just like my father."
"Alas," Dong Kuang shook his head, "it’s really hard for you. In fact, it’s not that we don’t want to conquer the Han army, but that we don’t want to fight with the Miao people and the Jie people. Every time we fight with these aliens, they almost don’t leave anyone alive! Killing all those unarmed, old, weak, women and children makes us feel at ease? This is the reason why our Han army has not been able to get the king’s weight over the years. "
Wei Zheng added, "Min Er, you are now a general of Zuo Zongshe, and you have the court’s resolution, but you must be careful not to annoy the king in the DPRK! What is the personality of the King? You know that your father Shi Zhan was punished by the King for his military affairs. He was grounded or lightly beaten. I don’t know how many lashes he received! "
"My nephew remember" Shi Min toward three uncle fork hand way
"Well, let’s send it here. Uncle, you must complete the recruitment of Jie people and Miao people as soon as possible. We don’t want that since we are Han army, the army must be Han!"
It takes a thousand miles to see you off.
Shi Min immediately bowed to his three uncles and then crossed his mount, Red Horse Zhu Long, and left.
Shi Min is sixteen, but he married Dong Shi last year.